I can’t believe the spring semester is almost over! I have two exams next week and I am DONE….for a month. I’m taking two 5 week classes during the summer, but other than that, I’ll have a long enough summer. I will probably spend my at-home time under my ceiling fan in my room or out in the pool – not swimming, though. I don’t know how. But, on to the point of this post, I stopped by two different thrift stores on my way home from class a few days ago. The first one, I walked out of after about ten minutes because I couldn’t figure out the prices on anything! It looked like someone took a Crayola pencil (in red) and wrote illegibly these really weird prices…if that’s even what they said!
So, I made the looooong drive up Cooper Street to Goodwill. For you North Texas residents, I drove the distance from UT Arlington to Goodwill. It’s pretty far seeing as there’s road work on Park Row and there was an accident on Cooper. But, the trip was well worth it! I managed to get two Mason jars, and a bag of fabric for about 6 dollars! Based on the average prices of these fabrics lately, I got about $30 worth of fabric for $2.75! I love Goodwill right now! The largest piece is about 2.5 yards and 54 inches wide!! Score!!!
And of course I had to check against my windowseat, and IT FITS. Or, I should say, it’s enough fabric for my cushion. It’s just too wide, but that’s an easy fix. I’m already trying to figure out what to do with the excess fabric! And yes, I know I need to touch up my black trim. What can I say? I'm a messy painter. Better the trim than the new carpet, according to my dad.
On to the Mason jars! They had a purpose before they were even bought. The larger one holds thread, and the smaller one was bought specifically for my buttons. I figured today would be a good day to share my sewing area so far, in the form of a collage! I love Picasa for these :)
- Top left is a small tin that used to hold peanut brittle – now it holds my absolute essentials for sewing! My little scissors, a pencil, a sharpie, thread, and my large pincushion that I made myself are all sitting in it with a felt lining I cut out of a scrap!
- Of course, top right is the Mason jars just after filling and labeling.
- Bottom left: My basket holding my scissors, pinking shears, elastic, scissor sharpener, and glue gun.
- Lastly, bottom right, is my “tray” holding the jars, a small leaf tray holding little charms, and my little pincushion filled with my new heart pins! I got them at JoAnn for $1.49 (30 pack)! I want to cover this at some point, because obviously the “ipad mini” text on the side isn’t too nice to look at! Maybe it could serve as a reminder that I have something so neat? I don’t know, but I’m still going to cover it! :)